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Image by Dan Cristian Pădureț



  • Charge-exchange processes;
  • Particle excitation and ionization;
  • Energy loss, scattering and channelling of primary and secondary particles;
  • Electron, atom, ion and photon emission processes;
  • Slow highly-charged-ion interactions at surfaces;
  • Radiation damage and materials modification, including nuclear-energy materials;
  • High energy density physics with intense ion beams and in relation to plasma physics;
  • Collision-induced physical, chemical and biological reactions


  • Interactions of swift heavy ions with gases, liquids, solids and plasma; 
  • ​Electronic excitation, charge transfer processes, and local energy deposition;​
  • ​Conversion of electronic excitation energy into atomic motionand atomic displacements;
  • Material modifications, ion track formation and modification; ​​​
  • Creation of point defects and defect clusters, sputtering, mixing and recrystallisation;​
  • Materials response in extreme environments;​
  • Chemical and biological radiation effects; 
  • ​Swift heavy ion-​induced processes in organic and inorganic materials;
  • Radiobiology and tumour therapy with ion beams
  • Heavy-ion micro-and nanotechnology​;
  • Effects of swift heavy ions on electronic devices;
  • Geological, astrophysical and other applications based on high-energy accelerators;
  • Dynamics of nuclear reactions and investigation of nuclear structure and dark matter
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